Keys to Music Learning

Community Chat with Janna Olson (Part 2)

Krista Jadro and Hannah Mayo Season 2 Episode 23
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00:00 | 37:12

In this episode with guest Janna Olson, Janna focuses on the audiation-based piano method Music Moves for Piano, including connections to repertoire, challenges she had when first implementing the method, reframing the definition of success, the difference between counting and feeling rhythm, the importance of movement and shifting weight, and answering the most common question parents ask - when will the students read?

Beyond the Notes: An enriched aural approach to piano repertoire
Learning through Play: Games and resources for activities to reinforce skills and build audiation

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Introduction to Audiation-based Piano Instruction and Music Moves for Piano

Ready to learn more about audiation-based piano instruction and Music Moves for Piano? Visit Music Learning Academy for online courses, webinars, and resources.

Want to dive into audiation-based piano instruction? Check out Music Moves for Piano by Marilyn Lowe.